Printer friendly garment information from the Costar collection.

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Two-Piece Striped Dress with Fringe

1850 -1860 Blue, Brown, Olive womans ensemble [Silk Taffeta]
Overview: This ensemble consists of a skirt and bodice made from silk taffeta that is woven into plaid with a prominent blue stripe.
Construction: This ensemble is completely handmade. The bodice is flat-lined with glazed linen and there are bones in the darts in the front to give it shape. It has two-piece pagoda sleeves. It closes up the front with the 16 original hook and loops still in tact. There is olive green silk fringe at the ends of the sleeves as well as in a single line going across the bust and over the shoulders. The waist on the bodice is 25" around. The skirt has a 25" waist as well but appears to have had the original waistband removed. It has been stayed on a 2" wide piece of grosgrain and closes at center back with two hooks and bars. The skirt is 42 1/2" from waist to floor with a 4" wide hem of self fabric; it consists of six panels that are each 21" wide and are stitched selvedge to selvedge. The panels are straight but have been gathered at the waist to control the fullness. Some of the hem is put in by hand but a portion of it is basted with a wide running stitch, perhaps because the original hem was removed. The bottom of the skirt measures 140" around.
Provenance: The ensemble was donated to the collection by Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. McVaugh.
Damage: The ensemble is in excellent condition.
Costar #G2543
Printer friendly garment information from the Costar collection.